Best Price This ProductsOn The Way To Become Happy Parents Of Happy Puppies! "I am always amazed that people spend more time preparing for such things as their weekly meals than getting a dog. My husband and I didn’t want to make this mistake, as improper puppy training leads to issues into their adult years — leaving the dog and the owner miserable. We knew this could be avoided with the right tools and education. Therefore, when we picked out 2 Beagle puppies from a local breeder, we sought as much knowledge as possible before they arrived home. One of the books we chose to read was Clint Cora’s Potty Train Your Puppy With A Litter Box." "The book was extremely well-written and informative. I loved the suggestions on litter training and had never heard of the concept for a dog before! Very interesting!! I could see how it would work well. I was very hesitant about crate training, as it seemed cruel, but I learned from Clint’s book that the opposite is true. As the book suggests, we bought a crate and a baby gate. Our puppies will therefore take time to ‘earn’ their right to the rest of the house. But, in the meantime, they’ll feel comfortable in their separate ‘dwellings’ while we train them. Thus, eliminating the frustration and anger over them urinating and tearing up the house. We now feel more comfortable knowing that we are able to set up boundaries and rules, which is what puppies need and crave." "Clint also gives excellent suggestions on how to ‘puppy proof’ your home before the little ones arrive and how to come up with a daily schedule for them. All of this sets them up for success and will make them happier (and you happier as a result) in the long run!" "Thanks, Clint, for helping us learn how to have happy puppies and happy parents!" Kelly Bambrough, Gilbert, AZ
To help you and your new friend become successful with this potty training puppies progression using a dog litter box, I include two extremely valuable bonuses if you order the book now;
After ordering the book, I will record your name and email address on record as a registered reader. You can email me anytime with regard to questions and issues on potty training until your dog is fully potty trained.
Keep in mind that many veterinarians and even professional dog trainers may not have the experience in potty training dogs with a dog litter box. But I do have this experience as again, I’ve been training my dogs this way since 1979 and therefore can serve as your resource to ensure that you and your puppy are successful.
Since this bonus will require my time, it may NOT be offered for new readers who order a few months from now. But if you order the book now, you will safely lock in your name for email support.
I will also include a supplementary ebook called ’10 Skills You Should Teach Your Puppy That Most Dog Owners Neglect’. I identify ten very important skill areas beyond basic dog training that will make your life with your dog much less problem free and costly compared to that of other dog families out there. For each skill area, I discuss the issues that may surface if not adequately addressed and how to train towards achieving that skill. You get this supplementary ebook for FREE.
I feel so confident about my book “Potty Train Your Puppy With A Litter Box – Convenient House Training Indoors For Dogs†in helping you and your puppy that I assume all the risk.
If you feel that you haven’t learned anything useful that puts you and your dog on the path towards a wonderful, happy life together during the next 60 days after you place your order, simply e-mail Clickbank (the online retailer that carries this book) and they will promptly refund 100% of your money back.
There is absolutely NO RISK to you. I am sure that you will get positive results if you faithfully follow the steps outlined in this book.
Takes All Guesswork Out Of The Training Process For You "I love the book! You take all of the guess work, out of the process. Loved the pics and I plan on using the exact same set-up with my new puppy, Savannah, a Tibetan Terrier. She is comfortable using the box. This is one of the best things and it’s so simple. I looked at all of the products on the market and I knew there had to be an easier way to accomplish the same thing. I thank you for making this information available." Wylendia Eastman, Richmond, CA
Ebook PLUS the two great bonuses = only $14.97 Deluxe online video PLUS ebook WITH bonuses package = only $27.97
A Professional Highly Recommends This Book "I find Clint’s method of indoor dog training to be a wonderful way to have dogs. The book is easy to read and the way Clint describes the training, it should not be a problem for even a novice pet owner. I highly recommend this book and the method of litter training." Denise Whaley, Professional Dog Sitter & Walker, Mississauga, ON
So order either the book or the deluxe video plus book package via either of the green boxes or links above now and lock in my unlimited email support offer.
I look forward to guiding you and your new pet to successful indoor potty training with a dog litter box. This program combined with my free dog obedience training video you may have already accesssed at this website will enable you and your pet to enjoy a long, happy life together.
Clear Explanations Helps New Dog Owner To A Great Start With Puppy "I just purchased your book today and have read the whole thing. I have been doing lots of research on the internet and was getting so confused by all the various information. So it…
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