Best Price This ProductsAll children are different, but all children respond to certain things. This eBook describes the one approach that will work for all of them, IF the parent follows the directions carefully. It will ultimately toilet train the children, rather than making it the responsibility of the parents to remind and keep them clean and dry.
This is NOT like other eBooks, guides, and manuals that expect you to help, watch, remind, and clean up for as long as necessary before having success! Most Moms aren’t ready for that, and shouldn’t be (diapers are easier than that)! You really can potty train your child in ONE, FUN TEACHING SESSION – when you know how!
With seven children, I don’t have time to type, and you probably don’t have much time to read, so I have made this as brief as possible for both of us, but it’s still thorough.
May God richly bless you for making your expertise available to the public. I have left glowing feedback for you, but had to tell you myself what a success your method is.
I potty trained my very stubborn 3 year old, who has had NO interest in potty training, though we tried all sorts of encouragement, but listened to the doctor and others who said she will do it when she’s ready. Since her 4th birthday is in less than 2 months, we were tired of waiting!
After looking at several offerings on ebay and others, I decided the $$$ is more than worth a try. I must say, you are highly underpaid for your work!
I read the ebook on Saturday, had all the items ready, and set aside Memorial Day to stay in the kitchen all day. After 2 accidents, she finally cooperated after about 8 hours. Stayed dry all night, almost made it to the potty that morning, wet only her pj’s, then was able to hold the rest (my fault, I let her sleep late, then while I was in the shower, she woke up, so wasn’t encouraged to go right away). I worked that day, so she was at her aunt’s house all day. We sent the potty seat. She had one accident there, and NO more accidents since!
This is day four, and we even went shopping all afternoon yesterday. (I now the locations of several public restrooms!) I can’t thank you enough, but pray that God will bless you beyond the very small monetary compensation you receive.
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